Rs between TOP1 inhibitors, Topotecan and Irinotecan. (XLSX) Table S4 Overlap of PC-Meta markers among MEK inhibitors, PD-0325901 and AZD6244, and reported signature in [12]. (XLSX) Table S5 List of important PC-Meta pan-cancer markers identified for each and every of 20 drugs. (XLSX) Table SPan-cancer pathways with predicted involvement in response to TOP1, HDAC, and MEK inhibitors. (XLSX)AcknowledgmentsPhuong Dao, Robert Bell, Fan Mo provided valuable discussions with regards to the methodology.PLOS One particular | plosone.orgCharacterizing Pan-Cancer Mechanisms of Drug SensitivityAuthor ContributionsConceived and created the experiments: KW AL. Performed the experiments: KW RS. Analyzed the information: KW AWW AL. Contributedreagents/materials/analysis tools: KW AR JL. Contributed towards the writing of your manuscript: KW AL AWW CCC. Algorithm improvement: KW AR JL. Essential evaluation of manuscript: AWW YW.
lstein et al.Galectin-4/-6 Expression within the Digestive Tract 2013?The Author(s) 2010 Reprints and permission: sagepub/journalsPermissions.149353-72-0 Formula navJHCXXX10.1369/0022155413478612HouzeArticleJournal of Histochemistry Cytochemistry 61(5) 348?61 ?The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permission: sagepub/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: ten.1369/0022155413478612 http://jhc.sagepubExpression Patterns Recommend that In spite of Considerable Functional Redundancy, Galectin-4 and -6 Play Distinct Roles in Regular and Broken Mouse Digestive TractDenis Houzelstein, Edouard Reyes-Gomez1, Marie Maurer1, Pierre Netter, and Dominique HiguetEquipe G ique et Evolution, UMR7138, CNRS and Universit?Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) Paris, France (DHouzelstein, PN, DHiguet); Unit?G ique Fonctionnelle et M icale, UMR955, INRA and Universit?Paris-Est, Ecole Nationale V inaire d’Alfort, France (ERG, MM); Unit?d’Embryologie, d’Histologie et d’Anatomie Pathologique Universit?Paris-Est, Ecole Nationale V inaire d’Alfort, France (ERG).Summary The galectin-4 protein is largely expressed inside the digestive tract and is associated with lipid raft stabilization, protein apical trafficking, wound healing, and inflammation. Although most mammalian species, which includes humans, possess a single Lgals4 gene, some mice have two paralogues: Lgals4 and Lgals6.Ir[FCF3(CF3)ppy]2(dtbbpy)PF6 uses So far, their considerable similarities have hindered the evaluation of their respective expression and function.PMID:24518703 We took advantage of two antibodies that discriminate in between the galectin-4 and galectin-6 proteins to document their patterns of expression within the standard along with the dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-damaged digestive tract inside the mouse. Inside the normal digestive tract, their pattern of expression from tongue to colon is pretty related, which suggests functional redundancy. Having said that, the presence of galectin-4, but not galectin-6, inside the lamina propria of the DSS-damaged colon, its association with luminal colonic bacteria, and variations in subcellular localization of these proteins suggest that additionally they have distinct roles inside the standard plus the damaged mouse digestive tract. Our outcomes give a uncommon example of ancestral and derived functions evolving soon after tandem gene duplication. (J Histochem Cytochem 61:348?61, 2013) Keywords digestive tract, experimental colitis, galectin, lectin, mice, paraloguesThe term lectin typically refers to a range of carbohydratebinding proteins which have been implicated in a significant selection of biological functions. Galectins are soluble lectins characterized by a conserved carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) and, for most of its members, an affinity.